William Dembski, a proponent of intelligent design, talks with Vision publisher David Hulme and contributor John C. Anderson about issues facing the movement.
After Constantine’s adoption of Roman Christianity in the fourth century C.E. the empire became viewed as the divine tool for Christianizing the world.
Vision publisher David Hulme interviews theologian John Garr, president of Restoration Foundation, for the Vision.org documentary Quest for the Real Paul.
Vision publisher David Hulme interviewed several scholars for his television program about the apostle Paul. On one question they were all in agreement.
When it comes to the kind of work that is spiritual in nature, engaged in for the sake of others or in obedience to the Creator, the Bible is filled with principle and practice.
Ancient writings found in the Judean desert have been at the center of conflict for more than 50 years. What have we learned from these much-debated texts?
Will the European Dream supplant the American Dream as the dominant social force shaping the world? Vision publisher David Hulme asks author and social critic Jeremy Rifkin.