Helping Children Be Children Some practical suggestions to help parents keep their children from growing up too fast.
March 30, 2004 In Other Words David Hulme How did the Bible come to be translated into so many vernacular tongues?
March 30, 2004 The Most Dangerous Book David F. Lloyd Part Two: The courageous struggle to put the Bible into the hands of the English people.
Spring 2004 The Tale of Two Cities David Hulme Vision publisher David Hulme interviews Afif Safiieh, a leading PLO representative, for a Palestinian perspective on how Jerusalem can achieve peace.
March 28, 2004 Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart John Meakin How a God of slaves humbled one of the world’s greatest civilizations.
Against All the Gods of Egypt. . . How could belief in the Egyptian deities be confounded by the 10 plagues? Put simply, everything went wrong.
Pharaoh v. God People read in the biblical account of the Exodus that God “hardened Pharaoh’s heart.” Some conclude that Pharaoh had no choice in the matter.
Spring 2004 Jerusalem, Center of the Earth? Peter Nathan Part One in a two-part series examining the city’s historic place in world politics and religion.
March 22, 2004 Origen: Platonic Christian Ivor C. Fletcher Peter Nathan Origen blended the truth of the Bible with Greek philosophy and has produced centuries of confusion on the subject of life after death.
March 21, 2004 The Gospels for the 21st Century, Part 17 The Rejected Stone David Hulme Jesus’ popularity among the people crescendos upon His arrival in Jerusalem, strengthening the resolve of the religious authorities to kill Him.
The Passion of Mel Gibson Vision Staff Apart from how it looked, the film The Passion, which will be released in theatres on Ash Wednesday, suffers in historical and biblical accuracy.
Spring 2004 City of Faiths David Hulme What is the basis of Arab and Palestinianan claims to Jerusalem?
The Trio and the Quartet Who are the members of the Trio and the Quartet on the Middle East? What is their role in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
Spring 2004 Power Plays David Hulme If what lies behind the purposes, goals and desire to control others is not right and good, human beings can do unspeakable evil to each other.
Spring 2004 Changing the “Self” in “Self-Esteem” Brian Orchard You may have to lose yourself to find true self-worth.
Clinical Narcissism: Narcissistic Personality Disorder Although we all exhibit some narcissistic behaviors at times, a specific set of personality traits is required for clinical diagnosis.
January 30, 2004 The Most Dangerous Book David F. Lloyd Part One: Why was the translation of the Bible into English so violently opposed? First in a two-part series.
Winter 2004 Jerusalem: The Fragile Mosaic David Hulme Bernard Wasserstein offers a perspective on the importance of Jerusalem to the Jewish people and the likelihood of a peaceful resolution of “the Jerusalem Question.”
January 27, 2004 John Wycliffe: Setting the Stage for Reform Donna Butler David F. Lloyd Wycliffe set the stage for the great work of translation from the original languages that would be undertaken by William Tyndale.