Insight Video: Jerusalem remains a crucial factor in the Middle East and in world politics. The name Jerusalem means “city of peace,” but will the city ever live up to its name?
The past century has seen great changes in what we call food. Life in the kitchen may be easier thanks to our love of scientific progress, but at what cost?
We’ve all heard about nature vs. nurture. But a third factor also helps determine who we are and what we pass on to our children, and the implications are profound.
The proclamation of “peace on earth and goodwill to all” is popular at Christmas time. In a world torn by war, crime and greed, where is the peace and goodwill?
Our continuing study of Genesis highlights various episodes in the patriarch Abraham’s life following God’s promise to make a great nation of his descendants.
Insight Video: What is the value of the book of Revelation? Does it foretell the cataclysmic end of the world, or is this compelling book merely first-century literature aimed at a first-century audience?
Insight Video: In light of Europe’s financial crisis, an editorial in the New York Times asked, “Where’s Charlemagne When We Need Him?” What can we learn from Charlemagne?
Insight Video: History teaches the disturbing truth that humanity has no sure protection against the rise of totalitarianism. While democracy is the best hope, it’s no guarantee.
Insight Video: Most professing Christians celebrate Easter as one of the two holiest days of the year. Yet neither the apostles nor the early Church observed it. How can that be?
Modern cityscapes appear to have been built with the specific aim of serving the needs of our civilizations. But where does the idea of the city itself originate?