No other written work has had such a profound effect on the world. But does the Bible have any authority today? Perhaps more to the point, is there any way to prove whether it’s the inspired Word of God?
The idea that history repeats itself is perhaps nowhere more evident than in the story of Israel’s conquest of the Promised Land. The book of Judges records cycles of obedience, disobedience, war and deliverance as the young nation interacts with neighboring peoples and their gods.
Insight Video: Moving relentlessly across history, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse wield great destructive power over humanity. What is the significance of the Red Horse?
Insight Video: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have challenged the imagination for generations. What is the significance of the rider of the white horse?
In the final chapters of Deuteronomy—the last of the five books of Moses—the man who led the Israelites out of Egypt to the edge of the Promised Land clarifies aspects of God’s laws and of His promises and warnings to the new nation.
The Levites were to proclaim 12 curses for all to hear and give their assent. This announcement focuses on the outcome of disobedience to various laws and principles.
Few Bible scholars believe the book of Joshua, describing Israel’s conquest of the Promised Land, to be of any historical value. What does the Bible tell us about that period of history, and can it be trusted?
Under the leadership of Moses, the children of Israel make their way to the Promised Land, but their 40-year journey is marked by one episode of faithlessness and rebellion after another.
The descendants of Jacob had been enslaved in Egypt for many years when Moses brought them word that God was about to rescue them. In Part 9 of the series, we trace the story of their exodus from the land of the pharaohs.
Insight Video: According to the Bible, the Hebrews made their exodus only after Egypt’s gods were confronted. What can we learn from the story of the Hebrews and the gods of ancient Egypt?
It is the basis for yet another blockbuster movie drawn from the Bible, but is the account of Noah and the Ark good for more than epic Hollywood entertainment? Who was the biblical Noah, and what can we learn from his example?
As the book of Exodus begins, Joseph and his generation are long dead, a new pharaoh sits on the throne of Egypt, and the outlook is bleak for the descendants of Jacob, or Israel.
The book of Revelation is an enigma to most who read it. Even in scholarly circles, ideas about its meaning and significance abound. Does such a puzzling book have any real value?