Insight Video: Abuse of topsoil and soil erosion are growing problems around the world; without healthy soil, we can’t produce healthy food. It’s a global issue, yet the solution is essentially local.
Insight Video: According to the Bible, the Hebrews made their exodus only after Egypt’s gods were confronted. What can we learn from the story of the Hebrews and the gods of ancient Egypt?
H.G. Wells is remembered primarily for his science-fiction works, but he also coined a phrase that for a century has been linked with World War I. As the world marks the centennial of that war’s fateful beginning, we ask: Can a war end all war?
Today, as the world marks the 100-year anniversary of the conflict’s fateful beginning, World War I continues to be fertile ground for authors. Vision reviews three new books on the subject.
Difficult. Headstrong. Stubborn. Defiant. If any of these words describe your child or teen, don’t give up. An innovative set of parenting ABCs can help toward solving the problem.
It is the basis for yet another blockbuster movie drawn from the Bible, but is the account of Noah and the Ark good for more than epic Hollywood entertainment? Who was the biblical Noah, and what can we learn from his example?
As the book of Exodus begins, Joseph and his generation are long dead, a new pharaoh sits on the throne of Egypt, and the outlook is bleak for the descendants of Jacob, or Israel.
Like so many problems in the Middle East, the impasse between Israel and the Palestinians has some of its roots in World War I, a war that has cast a long shadow over the past hundred years.
Insight Video: Events in the Middle East continue to feature in world news as they have for more than a century. Is it possible for the peoples of this region to be reconciled? Can cooperation and lasting peace be achieved?
Insight Video: When was the last time you exited the stress and anxiety grid in order to reflect on your life and its purpose? When did you last take time to truly rest?
What does the word meditation mean to you? Sitting in the lotus position and chanting? Shutting out the world to seek enlightenment from within? Emptying the mind for a while to find peace? Here’s a completely different approach—one that can be of tremendous value to every one of us.
Underneath the modern Cairo suburb called Heliopolis lie the remains of one of the most important cities of ancient Egypt. That Heliopolis may be long buried, but its influence lives on and, perhaps more surprisingly, its future is bright.
Earth’s geological record attests to mass extinctions that have taken place over the ages. But since the advent of the nuclear age, we can bring about our own extinction. Will we cross that line?
The book of Revelation is an enigma to most who read it. Even in scholarly circles, ideas about its meaning and significance abound. Does such a puzzling book have any real value?
Biblically, the setting and lessons of the seven church congregations to which John wrote deliver a powerful reminder that values are worth holding on to, and that compromise never brings lasting reward.