One of the most tragic aspects of human nature is our tendency to develop weapons for protection that end up sowing the seeds of our own destruction. Our capacity to lie is just such a weapon.
Under the leadership of Moses, the children of Israel make their way to the Promised Land, but their 40-year journey is marked by one episode of faithlessness and rebellion after another.
For thousands of years, mariners have recognized a red sky in the morning as a signal of bad weather and have taken steps to avert disaster. Are we as adept at seeing the signs of our troubled times for what they portend, and if so, how do we respond?
The descendants of Jacob had been enslaved in Egypt for many years when Moses brought them word that God was about to rescue them. In Part 9 of the series, we trace the story of their exodus from the land of the pharaohs.
Insight Video: According to the Bible, the Hebrews made their exodus only after Egypt’s gods were confronted. What can we learn from the story of the Hebrews and the gods of ancient Egypt?
It is the basis for yet another blockbuster movie drawn from the Bible, but is the account of Noah and the Ark good for more than epic Hollywood entertainment? Who was the biblical Noah, and what can we learn from his example?
As the book of Exodus begins, Joseph and his generation are long dead, a new pharaoh sits on the throne of Egypt, and the outlook is bleak for the descendants of Jacob, or Israel.
Insight Video: When was the last time you exited the stress and anxiety grid in order to reflect on your life and its purpose? When did you last take time to truly rest?
What does the word meditation mean to you? Sitting in the lotus position and chanting? Shutting out the world to seek enlightenment from within? Emptying the mind for a while to find peace? Here’s a completely different approach—one that can be of tremendous value to every one of us.
Underneath the modern Cairo suburb called Heliopolis lie the remains of one of the most important cities of ancient Egypt. That Heliopolis may be long buried, but its influence lives on and, perhaps more surprisingly, its future is bright.
The book of Revelation is an enigma to most who read it. Even in scholarly circles, ideas about its meaning and significance abound. Does such a puzzling book have any real value?
Stress and anxiety seem to be a part of daily life in the 21st century. An endless array of products and services promise temporary relief, but there is a better solution.
Various notable predictions make headlines around the world from time to time, yet each turns out to be a nonevent. Is there such a thing as certain prophecy?
Insight Video: William Safire said the Sermon on the Mount is “the single most important discourse on Christian law and living.” Is the Bible a credible source for moral instruction?
Augustine’s influence on the Christian church and on Western society in general is well recognized by scholars and theologians. But in retrospect, his philosophies may not have shed much light.
Insight Video: Across the Middle East the uprisings of the Arab Spring gave way to disillusion in many places. Why is good government so hard to achieve?
Craig A. Evans of Acadia Divinity College in Nova Scotia, Canada, talks to Vision about biblical illiteracy. Can the Bible be trusted as a source of knowledge?
What happens to eyesight when you live in darkness? A tiny fish serves as a metaphor for the material-spiritual divide that has set science and religion at odds with one another.