China’s ambitious urbanization program stands out in today’s world. But a Renaissance painting offers a surprising warning against overreach. Can our cities fail?
In the face of mounting threats to humanity’s continued existence on Earth, scientists are proposing various solutions. But they all seem to be overlooking one fundamental problem.
Rebuilding the world economy on a more sustainable model is a daunting task. It has to start with you and me—and at that level, it isn’t so hard after all.
Insight Video: Many scientists are warning that the human footprint is one of indiscriminate destruction and possibly irretrievable loss. Are our days numbered?
Solomon’s kingdom has been divided, but the period of the early monarchs who succeed him is still largely defined by treachery, disloyalty and increasing idolatry.
In a continuation of ancient Israel’s troubled history, an aging King David endures more violence and intrigue among his children but ultimately passes the crown to his son Solomon.
The Bible has much to say about the path to personal change. Vision examines some of the steps along the way and shows surprising ways in which science and the Bible agree.
Insight Video: Losing someone you love is one of life’s most difficult challenges. Whether you’re religious or not, can you hold out any hope for a future life?