Understanding the meaning of Revelation’s Four Horsemen requires a reliable interpreter, yet human explanations have failed to bring clarity. Perhaps it’s time to look to the Bible itself for an accurate interpretation.
While the concluding chapters of the book of Judges tell of the utter faithlessness into which the children of Israel had fallen, the book of Ruth relates an altogether different episode from that period in the nation’s history.
One hundred years ago, on November 11, 1918, World War I formally ended. In this collection of articles, Vision takes a closer look at “the war to end all war” and at the human proclivity for conflict.
Nearly the entire Christian world observes Sunday as the weekly “day of the Lord,” yet Jesus Christ Himself kept the seventh-day Sabbath. When and how did the change occur?
Educator Michael Redivo says conflict is inevitable, and that learning to deal with it is a key not only to well-being but to growing up. In this interview he talks about his Productive Conflict Model and how it can help children and adults alike to grow in the face of challenging relationships.
Virtually all of Christendom proclaims that Jesus was raised from the dead on the first day of the week, and on this conviction rests one of the primary arguments for Sunday being “the Lord’s Day” and thus the day on which Christians should come together in weekly worship services.
As the world arms itself with more and more nuclear and conventional weapons, we find ourselves in a continuing pattern of warfare. And that’s just as Jesus said it would be.
Quantum theory is beyond the grasp of most of us. Even physicists struggle to make sense of things that common sense suggests are impossible. Why, then, is faith in science seen as rational while faith in God is not?
Was Thomas Aquinas a theologian or a philosopher? By most accounts he was both, and his blending of the two disciplines resulted in a new approach to the Bible and its teachings.
Insight Video: Is there a way to make sense of today's chaotic world conditions? Thankfully, there’s an ancient document that provides the much-needed context.
Insight Video: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have challenged the imagination of generations since the end of the first century. But are they relevant in the 21st century?
Insight Video: Moving relentlessly across history, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse wield great destructive power over humanity and pose threats to a largely unsuspecting world.
No other written work has had such a profound effect on the world. But does the Bible have any authority today? Perhaps more to the point, is there any way to prove whether it’s the inspired Word of God?
Since 1983, Bible scholars have been coming to a “new perspective” on the apostle Paul as they strive to develop a more accurate view of the man. Who was the real Paul, and what was his message?
Success is often viewed as the attainment of wealth, fame or power. By that measure, however, most of us will never succeed. What is success, and is there any way to guarantee it?
Modern mythologies like Star Wars, Harry Potter and Doctor Who have much in common with ancient tales, not least the essential theme of good versus evil. We all long for a saving hero, but are we looking in the right place?
Chaos seems to rule everywhere across the globe. Information rains down, but without context we cannot understand and cope. Is there a way to contextualize the onrush of events? Are there filters we can use to separate out the particulars and understand the general?