After about two months of Martian days on the surface, NASA’s Phoenix robotic lander is well down the road to completing several important aspects of its mission.
A month after learning he was losing his battle to pancreatic cancer, Randy Pausch gave one last lecture to students and colleagues, hoping to leave a legacy.
World War I has been described as the war to end all war. The ensuing years—most notably, the Second World War—showed that this thought was ridiculously naïve.
Although it is impossible to be completely safe from identity theft, there are many simple and inexpensive steps that can be taken to reduce the danger.
As the apostle Paul’s life draws to a close, he continues to demonstrate his sincere concern for those under his care and for those who will carry on his ministry.
How much would you pay to know what thoughts are swimming around in someone else’s head? And if you could really know their truthfulness how much more would you pay?