The book of Daniel includes both history and prophecy spanning many centuries. This chart offers a way to contextualize the empires, rulers and events covered by the book.
In the eighth century BCE, the prophet Hosea proclaimed blessings, curses, captivity and ultimate restoration for the ancient kingdom of Israel. But those prophecies actually date from much earlier.
Understanding the meaning of Revelation’s Four Horsemen requires a reliable interpreter. We continue our look at how the Bible itself explains the apostle John’s enigmatic vision.
Insight Video: Misconceptions about the book of Revelation abound. In this episode we examine seven such myths and show where they go astray from a biblical point of view.
Late in the first century, the apostle John saw a vision of four horsemen, each riding a different-colored horse. In this two-part series, Vision looks to the Bible itself to interpret that much-discussed passage.
Understanding the meaning of Revelation’s Four Horsemen requires a reliable interpreter, yet human explanations have failed to bring clarity. Perhaps it’s time to look to the Bible itself for an accurate interpretation.
Insight Video: Is there a way to make sense of today's chaotic world conditions? Thankfully, there’s an ancient document that provides the much-needed context.
Insight Video: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have challenged the imagination of generations since the end of the first century. But are they relevant in the 21st century?
Insight Video: Moving relentlessly across history, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse wield great destructive power over humanity and pose threats to a largely unsuspecting world.
Insight Video: Moving relentlessly across history, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse wield great destructive power over humanity. What is the significance of the Red Horse?
Insight Video: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have challenged the imagination for generations. What is the significance of the rider of the white horse?
Underneath the modern Cairo suburb called Heliopolis lie the remains of one of the most important cities of ancient Egypt. That Heliopolis may be long buried, but its influence lives on and, perhaps more surprisingly, its future is bright.
The book of Revelation is an enigma to most who read it. Even in scholarly circles, ideas about its meaning and significance abound. Does such a puzzling book have any real value?
Various notable predictions make headlines around the world from time to time, yet each turns out to be a nonevent. Is there such a thing as certain prophecy?
Insight Video: What is the value of the book of Revelation? Does it foretell the cataclysmic end of the world, or is this compelling book merely first-century literature aimed at a first-century audience?
After Constantine’s adoption of Roman Christianity in the fourth century C.E. the empire became viewed as the divine tool for Christianizing the world.