Science and the Bible agree on fundamental aspects of what makes life possible. Uncovering its origin and purpose by scientific means has proven more challenging.
Nearly the entire Christian world observes Sunday as the weekly “day of the Lord,” yet Jesus Christ Himself kept the seventh-day Sabbath. When and how did the change occur?
Quantum theory is beyond the grasp of most of us. Even physicists struggle to make sense of things that common sense suggests are impossible. Why, then, is faith in science seen as rational while faith in God is not?
What does the word meditation mean to you? Sitting in the lotus position and chanting? Shutting out the world to seek enlightenment from within? Emptying the mind for a while to find peace? Here’s a completely different approach—one that can be of tremendous value to every one of us.
What happens to eyesight when you live in darkness? A tiny fish serves as a metaphor for the material-spiritual divide that has set science and religion at odds with one another.
Vision interviews sociologist Steve Fuller, who argues that the fact of science—our ability to dissect and understand our world—is based on the faith that a Creator exists.
Every culture, tribe and religion seems to have its own story about the origins of life and of the universe itself. Today scientists hope to bridge the divides with a unifying story of their own.
God has allowed humankind dominance of the earth, but the situation we find ourselves in was not the path intended. What is our intended relationship to the earth?