One of the most tragic aspects of human nature is our tendency to develop weapons for protection that end up sowing the seeds of our own destruction. Our capacity to lie is just such a weapon.
Specific sexual practices top an ancient list of behaviors that threaten relationships and social stability. How does pornography use fit into that list?
What might “Eight Keys to Timeless Parenting” look like if we were to take the advice from today’s popular parenting books and hold it against a source of truly enduring principles?
Insight Video: Thirty years ago, the world’s worst nuclear accident occurred. Since then the effects have been felt worldwide, and the situation has yet to be contained.
Insight Video: William Safire said the Sermon on the Mount is “the single most important discourse on Christian law and living.” Is the Bible a credible source for moral instruction?
What happens to eyesight when you live in darkness? A tiny fish serves as a metaphor for the material-spiritual divide that has set science and religion at odds with one another.
Insight Video: Without adequate water supplies, food cannot be produced. Population growth and increasing prosperity are exerting demands on resources that cannot be withstood.