Was Thomas Aquinas a theologian or a philosopher? By most accounts he was both, and his blending of the two disciplines resulted in a new approach to the Bible and its teachings.
Since 1983, Bible scholars have been coming to a “new perspective” on the apostle Paul as they strive to develop a more accurate view of the man. Who was the real Paul, and what was his message?
It is the basis for yet another blockbuster movie drawn from the Bible, but is the account of Noah and the Ark good for more than epic Hollywood entertainment? Who was the biblical Noah, and what can we learn from his example?
Despite his perpetually youthful appearance, Cupid is no neophyte. History shows that this veteran Valentine has been plying his trade since ancient times.
During the Christmas season, people hear the account of Mary’s role as the mother of Jesus, but little of what is popularly believed about Mary is from the Bible.
Vision publisher David Hulme interviewed several scholars for his television program about the apostle Paul. On one question they were all in agreement.